Friday, September 14, 2007

Just a quickie

So I'm back to the busy life, but I felt that I had to help get the word out about this great new site I found on the interweb.

Ever watch G4TV? Yes, I know it was better when it was TechTV, but even if you only watched before the horrid changeover, you should remember a Miss Morgan Webb. She cohosted a bunch of shows on TTV like Call for Help, and is the current host of X-Play. Well, Madam Webb has a new website basically devoted to the newest and coolest news on the web. "Give me the link already!" you say? Well fine! Head on over to to check it out.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Car Problems?

"What do you mean $400?! All you did was change the brake pads!"

If you own car, and you actually drive it, then chances are you've been ripped off by some greedy mechanic looking to cash in on your ignorance. Its happened to all of us. You go in to have an inspection done, and walk out 3 hours later with a large bill laden with repairs that you didn't know you needed (and probably didn't!). But fear not my fellow greasemonkey-hating friends! Help is on the way!

While searching for a few random parts for my current vehicle, I discovered a nifty page on the AutoZone website. This page is filled with how-to guides for virtually any work you could do on a car, truck, van, or SUV. From alternators to suspension, this site covers almost all the bases. The best part? Its in what I like to call 'plain English'! You don't have to have a degree to understand what they're saying! They tell you where the bolts will be, which plugs to pull, and even give you a time estimate. AutoZone really did their homework on this one. Good job guys!


Thursday, August 09, 2007

$269.00 Xbox 360.

Impossible you say? How could I lie to you?! Look at those cheeks! And for that matter, look at that look on your face when you picture me pinching them... Lets get away from the creepy in this post, and get back to the title. There are no catches here. A Microsoft re-certified Premium 360 for under $300 after taxes. I'm not sure how to beat that.


Family Guy, anyone?

So, while pouring through that wonderful wide world of the World Wide Web, I found a site that has managed to keep me thoroughly entertained during my long and sometimes tedious hours at work. Flatoz has archived every episode of Family Guy online. And if thats not enough for your sarcastic self, consider the fact that every episode can be viewed for FREE! Excited Yet? I thought so.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

How did this happen?

Now, right now, I want you to open up your calender or your PDA or the schedule in your head and set aside two hours of time. Done? Good. Come back to this post when those two hours start and click on the links below. If there is one single most important moment in your current life, this is it.

Link 1
Link 2

Fact check, compare, and ask lots of questions.

Silence is deadly.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's possible to go too far.

I have been watching the coverage of the VA. Tech shootings pretty closely since their occurrence Monday morning. I, like any decent person, offer my thoughts, heart, and memories to the victims of this tragedy and their families. And, because of the anger and sadness I feel as per this incident, the following story enrages me.

CBS News posted this article today about a group we are probably all familiar with; the Westboro Baptist Church. They are a religious cult (and I don't use that word lightly) that make their presence known by picketing with signs of hate and cruelty at events like funerals. You can find the "Churches" website here.

I am a firm proponent of free speech, and believe whole-heartedly in every persons right to express themselves and their ideas as long as other people are not harmed by said demonstrations. These people are known to picket at the funerals of the men and women who have died overseas, Iraq in particular, using their constitutional right to voice their opinions. And even though the fact that they perform such acts of hate towards people far greater in every aspect than they could ever hope to be, I believe that the soldiers of this great nation understand that this will happen but believe that the benefits far outweigh the sacrifice. Now don't misinterpret what I'm saying as justification for these peoples' actions. I think that the ideals that these people stand for as just as disgusting and disturbing as those of "people" like Hitler and Bin Laden. Picketing at a military funeral is, however, a mildly arguable place to protest for things like anti-war and pro-peace.

My problem now lies with the fact that this organization would be so heartless and cruel as to hold a hateful demonstration at the funerals of the men and women that have died this week as a result of one troubled mans actions. The people that died at Virginia Technical Institute this week have never done anything that could justify stripping them of their life. There are no words, feelings, or excuses that could explain this series of events as anything other than unbelievable. What this group is doing is just as bad as what the killer did; while the killer took the lives of other human beings, this cult is trying to justify his actions! There comes a point when free speech becomes a terrorizing message, and I believe that line has been crossed.

Anybody that visits Digg today will hopefully notice the link to the same page I referenced earlier in this post. And the person who Dugg the article is right; it is time for decent people everywhere to let this group know that their actions are despicable and uncalled for. People of the internet, now is the time to make your voices heard. This crazy organization needs to be shown that people are not going to stand for this outrage. !!!DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT do anything hateful, or illegal in retaliation towards this group!!! We are better than that. Instead, post on your blog, talk to your friends and family, email, just get the word out.

I also believe that the media has gone too far with this story. I think the world needed to know about this terrible series of events. But publicizing the story as much as has been done encourages other would be killers by offering the attention they so desperately seek. I think its time for the media to back off and let life get back to its course.

Thats all for now. I'm sure I'll have more later.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Very Interesting

While surfing on Digg this morning, I came across this very interesting and thought out blog post. Read with an open mind. Don't start reading this predisposed to your current ideals. He makes some very good points.
