Friday, August 10, 2007

Car Problems?

"What do you mean $400?! All you did was change the brake pads!"

If you own car, and you actually drive it, then chances are you've been ripped off by some greedy mechanic looking to cash in on your ignorance. Its happened to all of us. You go in to have an inspection done, and walk out 3 hours later with a large bill laden with repairs that you didn't know you needed (and probably didn't!). But fear not my fellow greasemonkey-hating friends! Help is on the way!

While searching for a few random parts for my current vehicle, I discovered a nifty page on the AutoZone website. This page is filled with how-to guides for virtually any work you could do on a car, truck, van, or SUV. From alternators to suspension, this site covers almost all the bases. The best part? Its in what I like to call 'plain English'! You don't have to have a degree to understand what they're saying! They tell you where the bolts will be, which plugs to pull, and even give you a time estimate. AutoZone really did their homework on this one. Good job guys!


Thursday, August 09, 2007

$269.00 Xbox 360.

Impossible you say? How could I lie to you?! Look at those cheeks! And for that matter, look at that look on your face when you picture me pinching them... Lets get away from the creepy in this post, and get back to the title. There are no catches here. A Microsoft re-certified Premium 360 for under $300 after taxes. I'm not sure how to beat that.


Family Guy, anyone?

So, while pouring through that wonderful wide world of the World Wide Web, I found a site that has managed to keep me thoroughly entertained during my long and sometimes tedious hours at work. Flatoz has archived every episode of Family Guy online. And if thats not enough for your sarcastic self, consider the fact that every episode can be viewed for FREE! Excited Yet? I thought so.
