Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Microsoft Releases Vista SP1

Hurry up! What are you waiting for?! Microsoft released the first service pack for Vista! You should be skipping to the link at the end of this post, completely ignoring everything I have written here, and download the 434mb file that will save your Vista using butts! Jeez, kids these days...



Monday, March 17, 2008

Windows Mobile to use Flash!

For anyone whos used a Windows Mobile phone, one of the biggest disappointments is surfing the web. And not because of small text sizes (get glasses whiners), or because of the slower speeds (its a freakin' phone!), its because in order to view a lot of websites, you need to have Adobe Flash player installed. Thus far, Microsoft has been unwilling to provide any help with this, leaving users to hack, crack, and circumvent their way to view simple things like YouTube videos. Microsoft says that's about to change. Although the article is annoyingly short and undescriptive, Microsoft has announced that at some point, Flash Lite will be coming to Windows Mobile phones everywhere. YouTube for everyone! Now if only we could get a timeline...


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1.5 years to Oil Pooping Bacteria

No, seriously, oil as a fecal matter! This guy has figured out how to edit the DNA of certain bacteria to make it do everything from spell his name and write poems, to produce different grades of crude oil. I'm very interested to see if this catches on, since this will likely mean a loss of profits for oil companies.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mozilla releases Beta 4 of Firefox

I've gone back and forth between Internet Explorer and Firefox for a long time. Each one having its benefits. IE with its faster program load times and the fact that every site is designed for use with it, tended to win my favor (I hate when I go to ICanHasCheezburger and the page is all misconstrued because Firefox couldn't figure out how to display it!) But I always try to keep an open mind to technology and not become too biases towards any one company or program. So, I have been testing and toying with Firefox every so often to keep up with the times, so to speak.

Mozilla has been releasing public betas of Firefox 3 for a while now, and I have to say, the newest version, beta 4, is quite impressive, especially when running in Vista. The big deal for me is the upgrades for performance. It seems to run a lot smoother, especially when working with Javascript. Check out the links for more info.
