Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to Speed up Windows XP

While Windows 7 may be close, Windows XP is still the main operating system of choice for many people. And, being that the more you use your computer, the slower it will inevitably become, there are many articles on the web describing various ways to "fix" Windows and make it fast again. This article is one of my favorites to send to people that need help doing some common tasks that are almost surefire (and free) ways to speed up that mopey XP computer. While nothing can replace a new stick of Ram, these things will help get the ball rolling again, letting you get back to whatever nonsensical projects you were tackling!

Windows 7 Taskbar better than OSX Dock

Giz has an interesting article explaining why they (and many others), think that the Windows 7 taskbar has finally risen to the challenge of beating the Mac OSX Dock. Not only does the new taskbar look sleeker and cleaner, but it out performs the Dock and has more functionality to boot! I'm a huge believer in competition between companies being good for the buyers of their software, and it looks like Mac has pushed Microsoft to come up with a truly innovative idea here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Office Bikini Webcam at CollegeHumor

So, apparently, the crew at CollegeHumor got together and decided they needed to draw in the nerdy masses by getting a girl to work in a bikini in front of a web cam. Yeah, that's what I said, bikini, web cam, girl. Enjoy!


How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog or Website

There are many good sites out there like Digg, Delicious, and others like them that can be great for getting your posts and articles out on the web. But what about getting found through search engines? That one isn't so easy. Solution? Ping-o-Matic! Ping-o-Matic is the fastest and easiest way to get your blog or website searched and indexed by top engines like Google, or Technorati. All you have to do is enter in your site's address, title, and RSS feed (if any), and bam!; You're off to the races! It runs through and pings all the search engines with your latest post, letting you get back to doing what you do best!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Latest Jake and Amir

This is one of the funniest ones I've seen; and I've seen them all! The look on Amir's face is absolutely hysterical.

Friday, January 16, 2009

BustedTees Sale

BustedTees is having a killer sale. Lots of their shirts are now only $10, including this one, for all you people who realize that New York will one day be praised as the best thing that ever happened to America. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, I may be from the Ithaca area...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Awesome and Creative Video

Very good. Be sure to check out his other videos.


Windows version of Slingbox

For all of us out there looking to stream and record TV throughout the house, but are not willing or able to spend hundreds of dollars on the Slingbox and its peripherals, our answer has arrived. Say hello to Webguide. Like other programs of its kind,(see MediaPortal,MythTv), Webguide allows to you remotely schedule recordings, search the TV listings, and even stream TV to any computer, as long as its setup correctly. The setup, of course, is the trick. If you're looking to use this outside of your network, you're going to be messing with port forwarding on your router, and for all situations, you're going to need to know a little bit about IP Addressing. There is a pretty good guide to setting up your new Slingbox Alternative here.

Keep in mind that in order to use this program, you're going to need a Windows computer with Media Center,(XP or Vista), and you'll also need a TV Tuner card.

Have fun!


Getting the best of Best Buy

This article has been making the rounds on the web. Its all about how to get the best deal from Best Buy. Quite inventive, and yet somehow, simple.



Friday, January 09, 2009

Windows 7 Beta Available for Download

Well, what are you waiting for?! GO GET IT!
