Wednesday, February 18, 2009


For those of you paying attention, I've added a new video frame to my site (which will be replaced by a link to my profile later). This is a sweet new tool called Qik. It allows you to turn almost any phone with a camera into a functioning webcam. The speed is actually very good as well, especially when using 3G, or WiFi. The coolest part? As you record your videos, they are automagically uploaded to Qiks website. From there, you can share, embed, or delete as you see fit. Plus, if you have a video embedded on a site or blog, and you start to upload live feed, the video frame will automatically update so everybody on that site can now watch your shananigans!

And hey, if Ashton Kutcher thinks its cool, who are you to disagree?


Just watch, laugh, love, and wish you were this cool...

BOOMBOX from Ely Kim on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Upgrade to Windows 7

Ars Technica has put up a very good and informative article explaining the pros and cons of all the upgrade/clean install methods associated with Windows 7, whether you're upgrading from Vista, or XP.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gmail Down?

So is it just me, or is gmail down for anybody else?

Gmail seems to be back up and running. Whew! That was scary!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ultimate Windows Tweaker Updated

If you're a computer user, which I'm assuming you are since you're reading this, then you're running an operating system.  And following the current statistics, you're using Windows, most likely Vista.  Now, using my psychic powers, I'm going to guess there is at least one thing you don't like about Vista, whether its a graphical gripe, or a speed splat.  Enter Tweak UI (A.K.A. Ultimate Windows Tweaker).  Tweak UI puts tons of settings in one clickable window.  And, with their most recent update adding 20 more tweak-ables, you can now edit over 160 settings.  If you haven't hopped on board the Windows 7 Beta train,(which you can't do anymore) this is the way to go.

Onion News Network

If you don't already frequent the Onion News Network, perhaps this video will change your mind...

Original article here.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

This Week in Fun!

Sarah lane was among several other very talented people to be laid off back in October '08 from Revision 3's staff. It was a very sad end to three different and equally great shows; the long running Pixel Perfect, and the two new comers PopSiren, and Internet Superstar. She has continued working intermittently guest starring on web shows like Twit and The Digg Reel. It appears that things are finally looking stable again for Sarah and our old friend Martin Sargeant. They are currently working on episode 5 of their new web show, This week in Fun!. Anybody who has been on the internet and has any sort of nerd in them has seen Twit and knows Leo Laporte, and its good to see that this group of great and geeky minds are sticking together.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Hero on the Hudson

Addicting games has a fun, simple, and dare I say it, addicting game letting you land your very own plane on the Hudson river.

You can be a hero too!

Google Earth 5.0

Well, its official, Google has now begun expanding their reach below the surfaces of our planets oceans. Google Earth 5.0 adds many awesome new features, including the much anticipated exploration under the sea, or seas if you're so inclined. You can now also take virtual tours of the big cities of the planet, with some key points of interest marked on the maps.

Wanna see? I knew you would!

Ars Technica has all the details and an in depth look at all the new goodies.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Watch the Super Bowl Commericials

Hulu is posting this years Super Bowl commercials as they are aired on their website. If you are not currently a Hulu user, now is a good time to check it out!