Sunday, November 19, 2006

This is my future...

Oh my god...(no pun in tended).

Just figured I'd let y'all see what I signed myself up for...


Thursday, September 28, 2006

This is frustrating!!!

Try this, and tell me what you frustrated the hell out of me!

Click if you dare


Tuesday, September 26, 2006


People who Digg will already have seen this. For those of you who havn't, you need to watch this. Jon Stewart brings up a good point; even though Mr. Clinton had many good thoughts and objectives, the media had to focus on him getting upset! This is stupid! Our media has a lot of changing to do...

The link: Click Me!


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Just be careful...

Ok, ThePirateBay is back up and running, but now it appears that the MPAA is after Isohunt! The moral of the story? Our government sucks? No, we have the most stable and reliable government in the world. The moral is that we all need to be careful. In no other country do you have the freedom to do the things we do here. So, if you want to fight these stupid new laws, go out and do it! You have that right! Proxy, anonymize, anything! Then, firewall the hell out of your machine! Just get out there and show our government that we are here to stay!

Enough of my rallying. JUST BE CAREFUL!


Monday, June 05, 2006

Cool Things.

As most of you know, I like cool things...

So, on that happy note, here is GotVoice!. Got voice is a cool program that allows you to send your voicemails from your cell phone. Works very well and the quality is not bad at all. Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Pirate Bay

For all of you who do the Torrent thing; STAY AWAY FROM THE PIRATE BAY! At least for now! Rumor has it that their servers are under seige! This means if you go there, you're probably being watched. More to come as this whole thing unfolds....


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

WEP and WPA Cracking

So, in my neverending search for ways around security, (for the good, of course) I stumbled accross a neat website; NEAT!

Then, of course, somebody Diggs it the next day, making my work essentially pointless. In any case, this site is all about getting those pesky WEP and WPA passwords out of the way so you can get back into YOUR network. What you do with these tools is completely on you. Use them responsibly!


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Its Been Done!

Yes, folks, for all you people who live in your parents basements; I mean, pimpin pad...It has finally been done! Behold! for this, is your proof that NOTHING is hacker proof!


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Best Programs

I stumbled accross this list which was subsequently a Digg a day later. In any case this is a list of the best programs that are free. Enjoy all!


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Man Himself makes MSNBC

Click Me!

Check it out. MUST SEE.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Few people outside the realm of geeks know about Digg. is an awesome website/forum where people post their tech, or cool findings on the net. You comment on these, or simply follow the links. Information is updated minutely at some points in the day, and none of the posts there are worthless. Everyone can find something of interest. From password crackers, to the language of squirrels, there is a little bit of everything at Digg. SO CHECK IT OUT!
