Sunday, October 09, 2005

Anonymous Living, with Tiller Starling

So, now that I'm on the whole anonymous living fad, heres another one for ya! So, lets get started!

So, you wanna anonymously surf the web using that wonderful program, Firefox. Lets do this list style, mmkay?

1. You need to get GreaseMonkey. This is a nifty little program that allows you to use user-scripts in Firefox. Get it here: (You will need to restart Firefox for the program to work.)

2. Next, you will want to get the Swithproxy user script. This is a great little script that will consult a list, and then change your proxy to keep you surfing anonymously. Get it here:
(Again, restart Firefox after installing.)

And now, just find a free proxy list, tell Switchproxy to use it, (use the new toolbar in your Firefox browser), and set it up to your liking!
