Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Verizon and Microsoft Courting

As reports of Apple and Verizon talks hit the wires, so too did reports that Microsoft was tasting the idea of developing an iPhone killer for the Verizon network. Ars Technica has the details (and so did Giz!), but I think that I speak for all of us when I say that anything better than the iPhone is something I would really like to see!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Touch Pro2 In the Wild

Apparantly, somebody has the Touch Pro2 out in the wilderness.  PocketNow has the details, but all you really need to know is that its got the American T-Mobile logo on it.

[Via PocketNow]

Deals: Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 Free!

Microsoft is offering its SharePoint Designer 2007 software for free. All you have to do is sign in with your Live (or Hotmail) account, or register for one.

[Via Dealnews]

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Six Ways You Should Be Using Twitter

Lifehacker has thrown up a neat article where they list 6 ways you should be using your Twitter Account. Definitely worth a read.


HootSuite Beta Rocks My Twittering Socks

If you're on Twitter (and you freaking should be!), you are probably familiar with programs like Tweetdeck, and Twhirl. Most people though, for some reason unknown to me, have not heard of HootSuite. HootSuite is an awesome tool for Twitter with some powerful features. Of the more useful is the ability for multiple admins to manage a single Twitter account. This is really nice for companys big and small that want to use Twitter, but keep the original account secure. You can also use as many Twitter accounts as you want, and use the built in tools to track the views and comments on your tweets. See all the features here, and try it out!

Verizon Allows User Reviews of Phones

Verizon Wireless has taken what I believe to be a good step toward user input on pricing of phones by allowing people to write their own reviews of the phones Verizon offers. Its pretty much your standard review form, with Pros, Cons, and Comments fields, and another that can be super important; the Location field. This is a good piece of information because of the speed and coverage differences people will receive in different parts of the world.

The catch? Of course there has to be one! Verizon employees screen every review. Now, this could be just to make sure the nutters stay out. But I think we all know that there are negative reviews getting "lost" in the fray.

Head on over to Verizon's website and check it out. Write some reviews, and let the world know just how stupid it is that Verizon's version of the Diamond has less RAM than the Sprint alternative...just for example...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cosmic Log Asks: Is Twitter Evil?

If you watch any amount of TV or visit any news website, you have undoubtedly noticed the over-coverage of the Twitter 'story.' Well, with the awesome parts of Twitter now covered, we are surely going to start seeing the attacks roll in, and information on how Twitter is ruining our children. Let the Twitter bashing begin.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Deals: $25 Restaurant Gift Cards for $3

If you like eating out, but don't like spending a ton of money, listen up! is offering $25 coupons for $3 with coupon code FEAST through 4/20. Grab it while its hot! (Pun intended).

[Via Slickdeals]

Monday, April 13, 2009

How It Works: Cloud Computing and Virus Removal

For the first How It Works post here at 3007hq, we'll be doing a double feature; cloud computer and virus removal!

The term "cloud computing" is being thrown around a lot these days. And so are Google and Apple's name when its mentioned. But most people have only a very basic idea of what is really going to be involved, and what the benefits are. HowStuffWorks has a great article explaining what cloud computing is, how it works, why Google and Apple are always mentioned, and why you should care!

Next, in the spirit of the conficker worm, here is a very helpful article (again from HowStuffWorks), detailing the differences between viruses, worms, and trojans, and how to remove them from your system. And, since 1 in 5 machines is still vulnerable to the conficker worm, chances are that some of you will end up needing this info very soon.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Find Your Friends with Google Latitude

Google Latitude is a sweet new service that allows your phone to post your location to the internet where your friends and family can log in and find you. Very cool. They've also secured the site that that only people you want to find you can look up your location.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Laptop Hunters 3

Microsoft has released yet another Mac-bashing ad, this time with a mom and her son. Of course, they end up buying a Windows Lappy (Sony Vaio), and Mac ends up getting the shaft.

Deals: Logitech X-540 5.1 Speakers for $51 w/Free Shipping

Logitech has a dented box special for the X-540 5.1 speakers for $99. Use coupon codes logix540_4909 ($43 dollar coupon) and Logi_thankyou (10% off coupon) to drop that down to $51 with free shipping. Remember, the codes are case sensitive, so copy and paste will save some stress here.

[Via Slickdeals]

New FriendFeed Interface Looks Good

FriendFeed has been hard at work creating a sweet new interface for users braving the beta waters. And the work has definitely paid off.

For those of you who haven't caught the cool bug yet, FriendFeed basically rolls all your social apps into one. And when I say all, I mean it. From Facebook, to Digg, to Twitter, to Flickr, its all there. And the new interface shows this off like never before by integrating all of the feeds from each service into an easy to follow time step similar to the one Twitter uses. The only problem they face now, is that people are seemingly stepping away from the service. TechCrunch reports that the numbers are possibly lower now than those of last October. We can only hope FriendFeed bounces back with this sweet new beta, and continues on to greatness.

You can find the beta here.

The New Digg Search

Its been all over the web today, from Twitter to Digg itself; the Digg team has improved their search! Not much else to say. If you Digg, (pun intended) go check it out! If you're not on Digg, what are you freakin' waiting for?!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

New Jake and Amir

This new episode is pretty much the epitomy of what Jake and Amir is all about.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Deals: Universal Cell Charger has a universal cellular charger right now for $10, with free shipping. Even if you haven't lost your charger yet, this is a great idea. Makes a great travel charger, and its probably cheaper than buying one that only charges your phone. And since this charges all kinds of phones, you could have a cell phone charging sleep over with all your friends and sit and...charge things...

[Via Dealnews]

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Microsofts Second Laptop Hunter Commercial

Microsoft has released yet another so-called 'Laptop Hunter' commercial, this time with a $1,500 limit for the lucky "consumer." Both people ended up buying an HP I notice, but either way, they may be bringing up some good points about Macs. As an avid computer person (I spend at least 10 hours a day on them), I have found Macs to be nothing but frustrating; with the exception of movie/picture editing, which Mac has clearly thought about. I tend to feel the same way about linux, with the lack of support, user friendliness, and completely empty driver base typically chasing me away from some neat and potentially cool features. Either way, this commercial is surely going to push Apple into some counter advertising, as long as Microsoft keeps Seinfeld away...

Friday, April 03, 2009

Verizon Promises 4G to East BuFu

Ars has it that Verizon is going to be offering full 4G coverage to areas of the US that previously only had access to dial-up or satellite internet. So all of you poor souls who think DSL would be heaven, get ready for something not quite as good!

Google to Purchase Twitter

TechCrunch has it that Google is in talks to purchase the oh-so-publicized Twitter. Depending on who you're talking to, its early or late stages, but either way, this would undoubtedly add much more power to the Google empire. Twitter has already turned down an offer from Facebook for a half billion dollars, and with the new money making schemes twitter has been pumping out, their value has surely gone up.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Deals: Mini Screwdriver

Accstation has a mini screwdriver with 15 bits for $5. Use coupon code MINISDRIS to cut that down to $1 (one buck, in case you needed clarification). Plus, top this all off with free shipping.

[Via Slickdeals]

***UPDATE: Due to the demand of this deal, the price is now up to $4 ***

Ninja Gaming

Another good one from the guys and girls at Collegehumor.

How to 'Google Bomb'

Do you have an enemy? I'm going to assume you do, because otherwise, you probably wouldn't be reading this post, laughing maniacally. And since you do have enemies, I'm sure you'd like to see them suffer, and what better way then to have a Google search for 'jerkface rotten-pants' come up with their picture at the very top of the list? Wired has put together a great walkthrough on how to accomplish this feat. Just remember, what you do to somebody else with this can be returned with interest, so play nice!

Windows Live for Windows Mobile

If you're a person who's been watching, or even using the neat things that Microsoft has been pumping out in their "Live" series, this app is going to tickle your socks! Install it on your Windows Mobile phone, and now you have instant access to all your favorite apps and services. You can sync up your contacts, access your Hotmail email, share your photos, and much more, right from your Windows Mobile Device. If none of those sound appealing, than maybe Live Mesh will. It is, in this writers humble opinion, the most useful app Microsoft has pushed out. It allows you to sync up folders across computers, and to folders online, and also allows secure remote access to all of the folders in your "Mesh." This is great for multiple machine homes, or for people with family that can't ever seem to find the "Any" key.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Fools Roundup

Wired has put together a list of the best and funniest April Fools pranks on the web. Enjoy them while they last!

More April Fools Fun at Google

We have more fun happening at Google today with the new feature for Gmail, Autopilot. CADIE, is of course responsible, and I wouldn't have it any other way. More April Fools info as it comes.

Ford Tries to Heighten Confidence, Boost Sales

The economy is getting the best of everyone. The car companies are no exception. Hyundai has been offering to help by making your payments for 3 months if you lose your job and are unable to make them. Ford, it seems, is trying to one up them by offering the same type of scenario-based deal, but upping the ante by doing this for a full year. The question now is whether this is a scary thing (using the thinking that they are so desperate to sell cars that they will take anybody), or whether its a good thing.


It just wouldn't be April Fools without Google. Every year they come out with something so outrageous that you have to believe it. This year is no exception. Introducing CADIE. A revolution is (apparently) in our hands.