New FriendFeed Interface Looks Good
FriendFeed has been hard at work creating a sweet new interface for users braving the beta waters. And the work has definitely paid off.
For those of you who haven't caught the cool bug yet, FriendFeed basically rolls all your social apps into one. And when I say all, I mean it. From Facebook, to Digg, to Twitter, to Flickr, its all there. And the new interface shows this off like never before by integrating all of the feeds from each service into an easy to follow time step similar to the one Twitter uses. The only problem they face now, is that people are seemingly stepping away from the service. TechCrunch reports that the numbers are possibly lower now than those of last October. We can only hope FriendFeed bounces back with this sweet new beta, and continues on to greatness.
You can find the beta here.