Verizon Allows User Reviews of Phones
Verizon Wireless has taken what I believe to be a good step toward user input on pricing of phones by allowing people to write their own reviews of the phones Verizon offers. Its pretty much your standard review form, with Pros, Cons, and Comments fields, and another that can be super important; the Location field. This is a good piece of information because of the speed and coverage differences people will receive in different parts of the world.
The catch? Of course there has to be one! Verizon employees screen every review. Now, this could be just to make sure the nutters stay out. But I think we all know that there are negative reviews getting "lost" in the fray.
Head on over to Verizon's website and check it out. Write some reviews, and let the world know just how stupid it is that Verizon's version of the Diamond has less RAM than the Sprint alternative...just for example...